Saturday, August 28, 2010

Teenage Frustrations

Blah! It has been one of those weeks. 
Don't you love it when you wake up in the morning and find gigantic volcano-like blobs all over your face, and nothing seems to take them away? I do! NOT! I guess it is one of the lovely things I get to experience while still being a teen.  Feeling fat, and ugly are not always fun feelings to have, but I've been realizing a lot lately, that everyone has their own insecurities, and things that bother the junk out of them.  I am slowly learning to just deal with it...zits don't last forever...hopefully.  It just stinks when you have extremely sensitive skin and every medication or cream that a dermatologist prescribes just happen to throw you into an allergic reaction.  haha! ok. This is turning into be a very negative post. Anyways, I am just truly hoping this will all clear up by Sunday.  I don't want stage lights to be showing them off. Eew. Ok. Goodnight, my non-existent followers! :)

Don't let the bed bugs bite! oh! Speaking of bed bugs, I have read and heard scary junk about bed bugs on three different occasions tonight.  Look on the base boards, in the crevices of your couches, underneath your mattress, and any weird folds you may have in it as well.  Now wasn't that encouraging to hear before sleeping?  ;-) Fare thee well...for the last time.